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Tenants moving out checklist

Preparing for your tenancy check-out

Moving out can be a long and complicated process for tenants. You will have seen a copy of the inventory, which forms part of the tenancy documentation, following your check-in. This inventory can help you prepare for check-out as it will detail the contents of each room and the condition of the property in general. You are advised to attend the check-out appointment yourself so you can confirm the findings.

Use our checklist to ensure you've covered every aspect of your check-out.

1. Council tax

Contact your local authority's council tax department to let them know your moving date and forwarding address.

2. Utilities

Don't forget to advise the utility suppliers that you will be leaving and then following check-out you can provide the meter reading in order to close your account. Do make sure they do not disconnect the service unless specified by the landlord. Providers may include:

  • Water and sewerage
  • Gas
  • Electricity
  • Telephone and broadband
  • Media services including Sky or Cable
  • TV licence
  • Key holders for the alarm

In addition, the oil tank or propane gas cylinder should be filled to the same level as check-in. Cesspit or septic tank should be emptied prior to your departure.

3. Protect personal details

Contact anyone that may hold personal details for you to provide a change of address, including:

  • Banks
  • Building society
  • Insurance company
  • Doctor and dental surgeries
  • DVLA for motor insurance and driving licence
  • HMRC
  • Credit card providers
  • Magazine subscriptions
  • Friends and family
  • It is a good idea to set up a Royal Mail redirection service for at least six months. 

4. Inventory

Remind yourself of the terms of your tenancy agreement for specific end-of-tenancy requirements. Broadly, the property should be ready for the check-out which may include professional cleaning if it was noted to have been professionally cleaned at the commencement of the tenancy. There are additional items to consider, such as:

  • Windows to be cleaned inside and out
  • Gutters to be cleared
  • Chimneys swept
  • Upholstery, curtains and linen dry- cleaned
  • Garden or outdoor space in seasonal condition and clear of waste 
  • Keep receipts for all of the above where applicable

Ensure all items are in the same place as they were at time of check-in. This is particularly important if the property was let furnished. If there are items missing or damaged, inform your agent or landlord before the check-out to see how best to replace/repair the items.

If the property is not ready for check-out the inventory clerk may abort the appointment and will charge a cancellation fee. In order to arrange for the work to be done as close to check-out as possible, you may need to contact contractors up to a month in advance. Receipts for all work should be handed to the inventory clerk at check-out. 

5. Remove your possessions

Make arrangements to ensure all your belongings have been removed from the property. This may include sourcing packing boxes or booking a removal service.   

6. Heating

If you check out between October and May, leave the central heating thermostat turned to 16 degrees on a constant setting. Also ensure that electric immersion water heaters are turned off.

7. Locking up

Find all keys, label them clearly and ensure they are returned at point of check-out, including any gate, garage and alarm fobs which are costly to replace. You should also ensure that any operational manuals remain in the property. 

8. Housekeeping

Once the last rental payment has been made you should ensure that you cancel the standing order mandate with your bank. The bank will only act on your instruction and if you fail to advise them they will keep making the payment.

9. Deposit return

The deposit cannot be released unless both the landlord and tenant are in agreement and confirm the same to the agent. In the event of a dispute the undisputed amount will be released to the parties as agreed and the remainder held until such time as a satisfactory conclusion has been achieved.

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