The Savills Blog

The Georgian House Architectural Awards 2014

St Giles House, Wimborne

Across the country, a band of dedicated men and women work tirelessly to restore our precious Georgian architecture and landscapes, preserving them for future generations. The Georgian Group Architectural Awards, sponsored by Savills, are a great way of recognising their sterling efforts.


The top award in the Restoration of a Georgian Country House category this year went to two worthy winners: Hendre House in Llanwrst, Caenarvonshire, and St Giles House in Wimborne, Dorset, while the award for Restoration of a Georgian Interior went to Kenwood House, in Highgate, London.

The awards, which cover seven categories, are not just about restoration - they also recognise new buildings with a Georgian aesthetic. Chitcombe House in Woolland, Dorset, and Crucis Park, Ampney Crucis, Gloucestshire, were joint winners of the award for New Building in the Classical Tradition; Nadler Hotel, in Soho, London, scooped the Giles Worsley Award for a New Building in a Georgian Context.

Crispin Holborow of Savills Country Department comments:

“This year’s winning entries demonstrate the painstaking research and attention to detail that it takes to ensure the future of Britain’s important and historic Georgian buildings. It is clear that this style of architecture is as popular as ever, exemplified by the creative interpretation of Georgian principles in the new buildings categories and the novel ways of using Georgian buildings in the reuse and landscape categories.”