The Savills Blog

Buy a house in Chelsea for £25,000

Chelsea Dolls House

It took London children's interior specialist Dragons of Walton Street five months to create this very special dolls' house called Walton Park. Dragons brought in renowned designer Nina Campbell to oversee the interiors, and filled the top-floor rooms with tiny versions of its trademark hand-painted nursery furniture.

Curtains are in gold silk, carpets are of the highest quality, and the parquet floor in the dining room took 14 hours to complete. Indeed, such is the high spec of Walton Park, I estimate that if it were a real house on Gilston Road or The Little Boltons, say, it would total 4,198 sq ft, with a capital value of £12m to 15m.

Dragons will be donating 10% of the proceeds of the sale to St Michael's Fulham, a charity set up by young people to help other young people acquire skills for life. Savills will also donate its 'agents fee'. And should the sale go to sealed bids, any excess of the guide price will also be donated to St Michael's.

Walton Park is on view at Dragons of Walton Street's show room.