Our latest quarterly reviews of global office and logistics capital markets explore the appetite for deal-making across key EMEA, North America, and Asia Pacific markets, amid a challenging macroeconomic environment
In their recent update, the IMF declared that the ‘likelihood of a soft landing has increased.’ But even a soft landing may not be the fillip that real estate investors want; if investors follow the occupiers, then weak global demand is not an environment that will stimulate a strong recovery in leasing activity and rents. But it is important not to generalise, particularly in the office sector, where most markets are seeing a bifurcation between the best quality buildings, which continue to attract tenants, and the older, poorly located stock.
In the meantime, institutions remain somewhat circumspect as unfavourable market conditions – including high interest rates and a slowing global economy – favour a wait-and-see approach from investors. Some markets have seen prime yields move out again this quarter. However, with interest rates now peaking, the first pre-condition for stability has been met. Commercial real estate is slow-moving at the best of times, but nevertheless, some more certainty around interest rates and borrowing costs should help to facilitate a floor in pricing, and eventually a recovery in investment activity, particularly for those investors who can separate the art from the artist.
To read the key articles within the publication, please click each section below, or to read the full PDF which includes our ‘agent’s view’ then please download a copy of the full report via the Download button.
Global outlook
Global investment volumes hit a post-GFC low in Q3 2023, as both cyclical and structural concerns continue to weigh on investor sentiment.
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Regional outlook
Summer is traditionally a quiet period for real estate investors in Europe. But even by these standards, the current stagnation is unusual.
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Market view
Tenants are leasing offices and investors are buying them, and with the scale of asset value moves in certain situations, I can absolutely see why.
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Global outlook
The logistics market can be characterised as one of long-term gain, short-term pain, with global investment volumes down by 40% y/y in Q3 2023.
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Regional outlook
Rental growth in the US is slowing as new supply onboarding outpaces net absorption; a legacy of a two-year construction boom.
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Market view
While conditions are expected to moderate, the sector in APAC has compelling structural tailwinds, including persistent e-commerce growth.
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