Research article

The UK’s top 50 towns and small cities

The release of the 2021 census data for England and Wales has caused great excitement in Savills research department

Together with data from the Land Registry, it has allowed us to rank the UK's top 50 towns and small cities based on the socio-economic, educational and health profile of their residents, as well as house prices relative to peers in the same region.

We used to call them ‘Uber Towns’ but in recent years that has taken on a new meaning. ‘Prime Locations’ maybe? Or ‘Aspirational Commutes’ perhaps.

Whatever, the list is dominated by South East England, with Harpenden topping the list as it did in 2011. This said, the North West also makes a good showing while Bath flies the flag for the South West. Deserving a special mention too is Penarth in Wales, which while sitting just outside the 50 came in at 51.

With the census in Scotland being conducted in 2022, we’ll be able to add to the list and see whether the likes of Helensburgh, North Berwick and Linlithgow are able to knock Hitchin, Hurstpierpoint and Leatherhead out of the top 50.

St Albans Cathedral | Credit: Melinda Nagy

The rankings

Our rankings show position in 2021 and 2011, as well as current median house price and population. Common features of our high-ranking towns and small cities include being near a racecourse, castle, cathedral/abbey or the River Thames.

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