
Taking Stock: A Review of the Global Real Estate Capital Markets

2022 was a difficult year for many global investors, but as human beings, we are naturally predisposed to be optimistic, and as we continue to navigate a path through what seems like a perpetual state of ‘permacrisis,’ we dare to dream of a better future at the beginning of 2023.

The elusive ‘soft landing’ may yet be feasible for this year. Inflation has peaked and labour markets remain firm; Europe has survived the winter without rationing energy supply; and China is rapidly dismantling zero-Covid restrictions.

However, there are plenty of potential obstacles along the way, and you cannot escape an important caveat attached to any recent economic forecast; risks are weighted to the downside.

Over the following pages, we dig deeper into the key trends impacting global real estate capital markets. There are plenty of cliché’s about taking risk, but in real estate, perhaps the most applicable in the context of the current environment is that ‘risk and opportunity are two sides of the same coin.’

In addition to an uncertain economic outlook, real estate investors have to further contend with structural shifts in the way we live, work, and play, all of which will require an increase in utilisation of some types of real estate, and less of others. It is our job to help our clients find the right balance between risk and opportunity.

With this in mind, we hope you enjoy the contents of this, our inaugural, Global Capital Markets report. Taking stock: A review of the Global Real Estate Capital Markets.

To read the key articles within the publication then please click each section below, or to read the full PDF which includes our ‘agent’s view’ then please download a copy of the full report here.

Economic outlook: Obsessing over recession

Most investors will be happy to consign 2022 to the past.

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Capital markets outlook: Risk-off, risk-on?

Investor sentiment turned dramatically on real estate over the course of 2022.

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Offices: Prime is fine

Offices face the dual threat of a weaker labour market and hybrid working.

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Logistics: The bubble...deflates

Logistics continues to be a high conviction sector for investors.

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Retail: Apocalypse now...over

Cyclical and structural changes continue to challenge the retail sector.

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Living: A fundamental success

Investors continue to diversify their holdings to incorporate living assets.

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Life sciences: The main alternative

The level of institutional capital being raised within the life sciences sector has increased significantly in recent years.

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Articles within this publication

7 article(s) in this publication