
Webinar: Real Estate and the Carbon Challenge

On Friday 19 November, we held a webinar to discuss our latest research report which looks at the scale of the challenge facing the real estate sector in achieving net zero.  

The rural, commercial and residential markets will face very different challenges in the transition to net zero, and there is no one size fits all solution. We estimate that the residential sector requires £330 billion to implement all potential energy efficiency improvements the sector requires in order to meet 2035 targets. Commercial property is likely to be less challenging due to much of it being institutionally-owned and the role the investment community is taking in pushing for change; however the retail sector has 1.4 billion sq ft (83% of stock) currently below an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) B rating, theoretically making it unlettable by 2030.

If you’d like to view the report, please click here.  

We hope you enjoy watching the presentation. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your usual Savills representative or a member of our specialist Savills Earth team.