Logistics and Real Estate 2019


Logistics and Real Estate 2020

Sustainable and Future-Proof

Unlike retail or hotel properties, logistics real estate counts among the winners of the coronavirus crisis. The pandemic highlighted the nature of logistics as an essential industry, while the demand for logistics and warehousing units became even more dynamic because of the expanding market share of online retailing. The sum of recently completed pure logistics space set a new record with 4.9 million square metres in 2019, subject to an upward trend. However, the demand for new-build facilities between now and 2030 amounts to 6.5 to 7.0 million square metres per year and therefore continues to exceed the available supply by far.

The “Logistics and Real Estate 2020” survey discusses, in addition to the latest development on the market for logistics real estate, the focal subject of sustainability from a variety of angles. Sustainability will play a more and more important role in the deliberation of new-build construction decisions. Already today, banks have come to prefer financing sustainable logistics properties because of their enhanced long-term viability and also investors with a long-term horizon will keep giving more weight to sustainability aspects.