
When the going gets tough

The complexity of commuting to Manhattan in a post-quarantine/pre-vaccine environment and potential solutions for knowledge companies in the short-term.

Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the CDC made recommendations on practicing social distancing to reduce the spread of the virus. Those recommendations are now considered formal guidelines that should be adhered to by all and one of the core tenets is to maintain a 6-foot distance from others when outside your home (“6-ft. Halo”). While this guideline feels almost normal in our personal lives as we infrequently leave our homes for essential services, it is fast becoming a critical building block for employers trying to navigate a “safe” and sustainable workplace for employees as they return to the office. Organizations are already exploring the possibility of short-term de-densification and/or dividing their workforce into “teams” to lessen proximity. However, while solving for the workspace is a crucial stepping stone in transitioning employees back to work safely, it begs one critical question that must be addressed first and foremost:

How can you maintain any social distance while commuting in a mass-transit dependent market such as Manhattan?

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