
The Corporate Real Estate “360° Review”

We are all facing extraordinary times and unprecedented issues right now. On April 7, we addressed office space occupier decision-making criteria in the post-COVID-19 world in Joe Learner’s article, The New Paradigm. Today, with the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to spread both public health concerns and economic uncertainty across the U.S., current circumstances raise numerous questions focused on balance sheet performance and cost reduction – including on office real estate strategy.

A periodic, comprehensive “360° review” of your current approach is both necessary and beneficial over the long run, but even more urgent in times of economic change.

The full report is divided into two major sections:
1. How can Chief Financial Officers and corporate real estate executives use this moment in time as a catalyst to improve balance sheet performance, challenge the status quo and contribute to the urgency of reducing costs?
2. How can organizations and real estate decision-makers develop plans to optimize their portfolios in order to enable their businesses to operate more efficiently? 

Download the full report