Research article

The outlook for the UK retail warehouse market

Key themes for 2020

  • Brexit has once again been delayed, however this may prove to be a welcome hiatus for UK retailing, limiting the amount of reactionary belt-tightening that may have occurred in the approach to the key Christmas trading period.
  • Rents have been falling amidst a structural change in leasing that has taken place over the last few years, which includes a move toward shorter lease lengths. Despite this we have seen above average store openings in the same period with 2020 looking likely to follow suit. What is clear is the more acquisitive operators are using the opportunity to secure space on more favourable terms.
  • Value-orientated brands continue to be the most expansionary retailers in the retail warehousing space and that trend looks set to continue especially if consumers adopt a more precautionary stance on saving in a (eventual) post Brexit era.
  • Leisure operators (including F&B) continue to lead the acquisition league tables from a sectoral point of view, as the quality of such space that supports the existing retail provision continues to rank highly for the needs of the consumer.
  • Comparison and grocery are not far behind in terms of the number of new openings by sector. This is unsurprising considering Aldi, Lidl and Iceland and The Range, Home Bargains and B&M are all in the top 10 list of retailers acquiring space.
  • Vacancy remains low and has barely moved since this time last year. This will ease some of the downward pressure on rents we are currently experiencing but by no means eliminate it.

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