
Spotlight: Bristol Offices – Spring 2018

One of the challenges for the Bristol office market during 2018 will be the shortage of options for occupiers

■ Bristol enjoyed another solid year of occupational deals in the city centre, with 611,000 sq ft of office space taken, 6% above the long term annual average.

■ Grade A supply in the city centre now stands at only 119,000 sq ft, enough for only around nine months of Grade A take-up at average levels.

■ Top rents in the city centre jumped a massive 14% to £32.50 per sq ft during 2017.

■ Bristol's office based investment reached £425 million in 2017, 82% above the long term average and the strongest year since 2006.

■ With a shortage of vendors, there is potential for Bristol's prime yield to move in a further 25 basis points over the first half of 2018.

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