
Spotlight: Skills, Talent and Labour Mobility – Autumn 2017

A shortage of skills could threaten to hamper economic growth prospects. Infrastructure projects will improve national labour mobility, providing a boost to the UK regions


■ There is a skills gap across the UK labour market, with 5% of UK employees deemed not fully proficient by their employers. We expect the introduction of the April 2017 apprenticeship levy to encourage large businesses to invest in young workers earlier.

■ Developers need to ensure the appropriate space is being provided to deliver business growth. London currently provides more accelerators per 1,000 new businesses than all other UK regions except Scotland, which has delivered the fastest job growth in the capital.

■ Mobility of labour remains one of the major labour markets constraints within the UK. Compared with other European countries, UK workers are considerably less footloose, which can be partially accounted for by increasing house price disparities between London and the UK regions.

■ We expect the net inflow of graduates to London to ease off as regional infrastructure projects are delivered and graduates take advantage of higher living standards by working and living in the regions.

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