
UK Shopping Centre And High Street Spotlight – Q4 2016

The average reported like-for-like sales over Christmas 2016 was 5.1% up on Christmas 2015


■ Christmas trading was strong for the majority of retailers, but the December retail sales data highlighted that prices have started to rise in the UK. This will be a challenge to both consumers and retailers in 2017, and will combine with other factors to put pressure on retailer's margins.

■ Occupational demand in 2017 will be framed around the expectation of tighter margins. We expect the out-of-town market as well as the Midlands and North to benefit from these changing priorities.

■ 2017 will see a more normalised shopping centre investment market, with volumes in line with the average and up on last year. There will be a continued investor bias towards prime stock.

■ High street retail investments will remain very popular with private investors in 2017, and this could put some downward pressure on yields in the best locations. Demand for larger lot sizes will remain limited, though this may present an opportunity for institutional investors.

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