

Hong Kong Retail Leasing - Apr 2022

The toughest quarter since 2020

Hopes of a recovery earlier in the year have been dashed by a fifth wave of infections and stricter containment measures.

  • 2022 saw a tough start with the local retail sector experiencing its quietest quarter since the coronavirus emerged at the beginning of 2020. 
  • Surging local infections fuelled by the Omicron variant have hit consumer sentiment hard and reversed a tentative recovery in the leasing market.
  • Leasing transactions volumes were subdued over the first months of the year.
  • Rents in both the prime street shop and major shopping centre segments have backtracked and registered a decline of 5% over Q1/2022.
  • The new supply pipeline is expected to be delayed by three to six months as a result of labour shortages and prolonged government approval processes.
  • The rapidly changing pandemic situation has made rental forecasts extremely difficult: the rental decline seen in the first quarter of the year has already overshot the full year forecast we made in March.

Even the hardy perennials of the local retail scene, F&B and necessity trades, have begun to wilt as the new variant has forced many to shutter their businesses.

Simon Smith, Savills Research