

Japan Retail - October 2020

Sound rental growth masking reality

  • Average 1F rental growth in Tokyo was sound in 1H/2020, with Shinjuku impressing over the year. Even so, rents have been inflated by the listing of previously in-demand prime assets, and as such, market conditions are very different in reality.
  • As in the office sector, asset location and quality will be key in coping with the ongoing uncertainty.
  • Equity investors appear to have some faith in the retail sector for the time being, with retail J-REITs performing relatively well. Investment flows, however, remain suppressed.
  • Without the end of the pandemic in sight, new consumer behaviours are likely to emerge. For that reason, the outlook for the sector remains downbeat.
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Amid the economic hardship, retail rents counter-intuitively experienced solid growth. Much of this, however, was driven by the availability of previously unattainable prime assets – paradoxically boosting listed rents. Going forward, asset location will be critical, whilst early adaptors to the new landscape are likely to become successful retailers.

Savills Research & Consultancy