

Tokyo Residential Leasing Q2/2020

Rents experience slight pullback

As expected, rental growth has taken a pause in Q2/2020 following solid growth in the previous quarters, even as the population of Tokyo Prefecture encouragingly reached the 14 million mark for the first time.

  • Rents in the Tokyo 23 wards (23W) saw a slight pullback during Q2/2020, now standing at JPY4,138 per sq m – a decrease of 0.4% quarter-on-quarter (QoQ), but still 3.0% higher year-on-year (YoY).
  • Growth in average mid-market rents in the central five wards (C5W) also halted during the quarter. Rents for Tokyo’s flagship submarket are now at JPY4,859 per sq m after a decline of 1.2% QoQ, though the average is still up 1.7% YoY.
  • The C5W saw its premium over the 23W average contract to around 17%, as five of the six outer submarkets still managed to post rental growth.
  • At the ward level, Meguro was the top performer this quarter following growth of 5.2% QoQ. Otherwise, Sumida marked impressive growth on an annual basis, with rents surging 12.5% YoY.
  • In the C5W, average rents for units in the 15-30 sq m size band – which represent the majority of listings – remained flat, while larger units faced a pullback. Interestingly, the nearopposite appears to have occurred across the 23W at large.
  • With leasing activity suspended during the April and May lockdown, the average occupancy rate for the 23W fell 1.5 percentage points (ppts) QoQ to 96.4% as of Q2/2020. Looking ahead, occupancy should be bolstered as some latent demand emerges over the coming months.
  • Even in the face of a pandemic, young residents continued to flock to Tokyo during the quarter, leading the prefecture’s population to achieve 14 million for the first time in history.

After two quarters of solid growth, average multi-family rents across the 23W and C5W saw a slight pullback in Q2/2020. It is, however, too early to tell whether this is just a short-term correction or the opening salvo of a bearish leasing market. Encouragingly, Tokyo still witnessed an inflow of young residents during the lockdown.”

Savills Research & Consultancy