Savills Vietnam


Vietnam Market Brief (2019H1EN)

Vietnam Market Brief (2019H1EN)

- GDP increased 6.8% in 1H/2019 and was more stable compared to the previous year. Manufacturing and processing continue to be the key economic drivers. CPI was 2.6 %, the lowest H1 increase in 3 years.

- Total exports increased 7% year on year (YoY) to reach US$122.7 billion. The USA and the EU continue to be the main export markets. The $34 million trade deficit was mainly down to higher import costs.

- Registered FDI was over US$18 billion with China and Korea the largest contributors. Disbursed FDI reached US$9.1 billion, up 8% YoY.

- International visitor numbers continue with 8.4 million arrivals, up 8% YoY.