Market in Minutes: Residential Development Land – Q4 2024
"A positive footing in the development land market?"
Tagged Articles
"A positive footing in the development land market?"
"We estimate that 187,000 additional households are in need of sub-market housing each year, requiring a significant step up in delivery"
"Affordable housing supply faces a significant slowdown as mounting pressures start to bite. Policy needs to respond urgently to address this slowdown"
"Meeting affordable housing need means providing for households excluded from the housing market alongside maintaining the current provision of affordable housing."
"Maximising value for money means using grant funding flexibly to help meet housing needs in local markets"
"Registered Providers are scaling back their appetite for new projects and particularly Section 106 homes."
"Over the last 12-18 months we have seen an almost unprecedented shift in the affordable housing market, with a reduction in the ability of Registered Providers (RPs) to take on Section 106 affordable homes."
"The challenges of Section 106 delivery"
"Key findings from our survey of developing Housing Associations"