Home schooling

The Savills Blog

Design tips for home schooling

As families with school-age children once again get to grips with turning their homes into a classroom, here are a few design tips which might help get the creative juices flowing.

For many, of course, the kitchen table or sofa are the only options for home schooling. But if you’re fortunate enough to be able to designate a specific part of your home for learning, why not introduce your youngsters to the principles of interior design by zoning it? Organising a space you have by matching and grouping is a key current design trend (How to be on trend and in the zone) that could prove invaluable now. An organised space not only helps ensure you have everything you need to hand, but also encourages separation between home and school at the end of the day and at weekends.

Perhaps you could create a feature wall with wallpaper or chalkboard paint, educational prints and a map of the world. House plants – also very on trend at the moment – have a calming effect while for younger children, a corner piled with cushions makes a cosy, simple – and flexible – place to practise reading.

One of the most important things to think about is adequate lighting during the school day – areas used during the first lockdown in spring may not work in the winter. As with a home office, ideally a task lamp should point directly at the desk, table or worktop and if children are using a screen, the lamp should be placed partially behind it to avoid glare and reduce eye strain.

A fun idea might be to personalise a storage box like pupils would a drawer or locker at school using the colours and patterns that are in vogue for 2021. Given how important access to outside space has become over the past months, it won’t come as a surprise to hear that the design themes for this year have a neutral base with colours taken from nature. Think greens, honey browns and warm creams. Or go for an inspirational sunshine yellow like ‘Illuminating’, named by the Pantone Color Institute as one of two colours for 2021 (the other being a dependable, neutral grey). And don’t forget the symbolic rainbow that has been trending throughout and can add some welcome brightness.

  • From colour coordinated storage to grand schemes, if you’d like to share a picture of your children’s interior designs for learning at home this winter, we’d love to see them. Send us your photos via our Instagram or Twitter accounts and use the hashtag #SavillsInteriorDesign


Further information

Contact Charlotte Hodges-Peck

Contact Savills Interior, Furnishing & Refurbishment Services

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