Winter viewings

The Savills Blog

Top tips for selling your home in winter

Although traditionally spring and autumn are the most popular times to sell a house, this year has been anything but ordinary. Savvy sellers are realising that listing a property at this time of year can mean there is less competition which in turn means their property is more visible to would-be buyers.

As the evenings draw in and we wave goodbye to the long days of summer, it is even more important to make sure your property stands out. While you can’t control the sometimes inclement weather, there is plenty you can do to create a warm welcome for those viewing your home.

If you are selling your home over the winter months, here are some tips for creating a cosy and inviting space.

A fine first impression

A fresh lick of paint on the front door will ensure your home catches the eye and appears welcoming from the start. Make sure your house number, or name, is foliage free and easy to spot, and polish any brass door fixtures to perfection. A couple of oversized lanterns either side of the door will illuminate the entrance and look enticing to visitors.


Make sure the heating is on well ahead of viewings and, if you have one, light the fire for a golden glow. Switch on table and floor lamps which will soften any overhead lighting and create a relaxed mood. Scented candles or a diffuser will fill your home with soothing aromas.

Layer up

Create texture with a generous sprinkling of throws, blankets and cushions in bedrooms and living rooms. More is more here, so opt for woven textiles and chunky knits draped over armchairs, sofas and window seats. If you have wooden flooring or tiles, add soft rugs for comfort and colour under foot.

Set the stage

Imagine you have friends coming for supper and set the table for a feast with coloured candles and glassware to provide pops of colour. A bowl of shiny seasonal clementines will brighten up the room. If you’re limited on space, set up an inviting drinks trolley in the corner of the sitting room to create a similar convivial feel.

Don’t forget the garden

While the garden won’t be in full bloom at this time of year, any serious potential buyers will want to step out as outside space is still top of many wish lists. Make sure the patio is clean and sweep up fallen leaves (which can be slippery as well as untidy). It’s worth investing in a few winter flowering plants which will brighten the dullest of days and provide a heady scent or some beautiful berries – camellias, mahonias, poinsettias and winter heather will work wonders.

Last but not least

As is the case with selling at any other time of the year, make sure your home is clean, decluttered and tidy, and finish off any odd jobs around the house that need doing. Tidy up paintwork and fix damp patches, superficial cracks or stains on ceilings or walls left by previous leaks. These quick tasks are usually inexpensive to remedy but can be off-putting on viewings if not fixed.


Further information

Contact Liza-Jane Kelly

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