
The Savills Blog

How satisfied are DC workers with their workplace?

Dutch workers are the most satisfied with their workplace in Europe according to Savills ‘What Workers Want’ report*. 69% of (office) employees consider the workplace to be the most important factor when joining a company or staying with a current employer, ahead of salary, manager or nice colleagues.


Therefore, investing in the workplace can make the difference in the war for talent. It also pays to give employees a say in the design of their office space; those who are, are consistently more satisfied with the workplace than those that aren’t.

In the logistics sector, the shortage of workers is expected to increase in the years to come. We are therefore very curious whether there are factors which play a crucial role in retaining this workforce. What do employees in distribution centres expect from their workplace environment? Do they care about commuting? Or do they find factors like travel expenses, sanitary facilities, the accessibility of public transport, sufficient parking space, or greenery more important? And what about the Corona safety measures in place? Do they now attach a high(er) value to air quality or hygiene?


In the Savills ‘What distribution centre (DC) Workers Want’ research we ask workers in the logistics sector about their preferences regarding the workplace and the working environment.

Douglas van Oers,Co-Head Logistics & Industrial at Savills in the Nederland

The answers gathered in this survey are processed strictly anonymously and for the sole purpose of this research report, which we will publish in the last quarter of this year. We will present the results of the survey to developers, investors and occupiers of logistics real estate. This allows the logistics sector to focus on the factors that workers consider to be particularly important. After all, isn't this the time to rethink the way we look at logistics real estate?

We need you! Will you help us by filling out this survey?

Are you currently working in a distribution centre and are you interested in sharing your workplace experiences with us? Help us by giving a few minutes of your time and take part in our online ‘What DC Workers Want’-survey. The questionnaire is available in both English and Dutch.

* Savills conducted the ‘What Workers Want’ survey among 11,000 office workers in 11 European countries. They were asked which aspects of the workplace they thought were important and whether they were currently satisfied with each aspect.


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