
The Savills Blog

Remote Working – Staying Safe, Sane and Productive!

As many of us adjust to a new working pattern, one where we are no longer surrounded by colleagues and office chat, it’s important to ensure we all remain safe, sane and productive.  Some thought-starters are below, but please do share your own ideas to help keep us all connecting and collaborating in these unprecedented times.



Allocate an area in your home which is your ‘work zone’.  Somewhere that you can keep your laptop or computer, any relevant files and equipment that you need. If you can, separate this workspace from the rest of your home.  The mental association will help you focus. Think about the desk height and seating position.  One tip is to avoid working in the kitchen if you can … the ever-present urge to make a cup of coffee, grab a snack, put a wash on is not conducive to a productive workday!



Plan your day and start as if you were heading into the office.  If you usually exercise, pray or listen to a podcast early in the morning – continue to do so. Before starting work, be sure to shower and get dressed – no one will feel motivated to be productive if still in their PJs!

Be sure to schedule in good habits such as break times. Be sure to head away from your work zone for an hour in the middle of the day. It will reset your brain, lift your mood and allow you to be more productive during the afternoon.



Working remotely needn’t mean you are not connected to your colleagues and friends.  Move meetings from face to face to be screen to screen – you have the tools to effectively work and ‘meet’. Breaking up solo work tasks with team meetings, calls with clients and colleague interaction will help keep you motivated.



In the absence of colleagues close by to interact with, take the opportunity to stimulate your brain in other ways. If you prefer to work with noise around you, listen to music or perhaps explore some podcasts. Podcasts are brilliant and there is a huge variety (including a Savills channel which is well populated with global content!). 



It’s easy to procrastinate when not surrounded by your usual colleagues and work environment.  Once you have set about your daily routine, be sure to stick to it.  It’s easy to be distracted by the kids, the delivery guy, the gardener… in all cases, just be clear that ‘you are at work’. The same applies to friends and neighbours who may be tempted to ‘pop by’ if they see you are at home.



Be sure to get out of your home for some time each day. A walk or a sit on your balcony. If possible, maintain your exercise regime, you will feel better for it.  There are loads of online guides, training regimes and tips to help keep you moving and healthy.



As important as switching on and establishing a routine is switching off.  At a designated time, close down your work-station and move to an area of your home where you can truly switch off and relax and even spend more quality time with loved ones.



It’s one thing to have restrictions introduced but think about how the situation can be turned in to a positive.  With no work time commute, you will have more time in your day – give yourself a couple of personal goals that you can achieve in this time.  It might be to read more, experiment with cooking, get musical, pamper yourself, explore a new hobby… take the opportunity to reflect and start something new that you may not ordinarily have the opportunity to explore.



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