The Savills Blog

How to choose an interior designer

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Interior design matters.

Overlooking the value of interior design can be the cause of a business’ downfall or collapse a business before it even begins. The way a space is designed can entice and inspire people to shop and dine, thrive and learn, or even encourage a healthier lifestyle. Interior designers have a unique opportunity to shape the way consumers spend their time and dollars.


One designer does not fit all.

Finding the right designer can positively influence a business exponentially. Choosing an interior designer per project is key and finding someone with a combination of exceptional design talent and sector expertise is essential.

Leading businesses are hiring providers that have a deep understanding of their needs, business drivers and the ability to deliver quality solutions at a fair price. Are you interested in learning more about what to look for in an interior designer?


Mark your calendar – Friday, January 17.

Kick off the new year with Canada’s leading buyers of design as they reveal what they look for when hiring interior designers for their projects. The presentation will consist of a panel of five “professional buyers” of design including Colleen Baldwin of Scotiabank, Monica Contrares of University of Toronto, Brock Stevenson of Daniels, Christine Chadwick of GE Healthcare and retail professional Sharon Yee. These individuals hire interior designers on an ongoing basis for their companies, institutions and projects.




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