Real Estate Insights Podcast: Impacts – How disruption is transforming global real estate

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Real Estate Insights Podcast: Impacts – How disruption is transforming global real estate

Political, economic and social change characterise the world today, and many of the mega-trends which stem from this uncertainty have implications for real estate.

However, unpredictable times also offer real opportunity, which is why we’ve made Disruption the theme of our latest edition of Impacts, Savills global thought leadership publication and research programme.

We are seeing significant demographic shifts and urbanisation as well as the rise of protectionism and populism across many territories. In addition, everything we do in life is being enabled by technology, bringing efficiency and flexibility, but also challenging the values of different generations and how they want to live, work and play.

This is causing market participants to rethink their business models to ensure they remain relevant. These changes are also about helping to underpin the continued competitiveness globally of our urban environments whether as cities or emerging mega-regions, which are starting to blur country boundaries.

From how tech is restructuring retail and leisure, the rise of e-sports, the role populist politics has in cross-border investment, the resilience of cities to the sustainability of food production, Impacts seeks to explore how disruption is altering the world and shows that for those ready to embrace change, there is an opportunity to shape real estate to meet the needs of an evolving world.

Join Guy Ruddle and Savills guests Sophie Chick, Director in World Research, Paul Tostevin, Director in World Research, Chris Marriott, CEO South East Asia and Jess Johnson, Head of Cross Border Transactions – Americas to discuss the ways in which disruption is transforming real estate around the world.


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