The Savills Blog

How to get your rental property ready for a busy market

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Typically the spring and summer months are always the most buoyant for the lettings market, so with spring well under way, it’s a great time for landlords to rejuvenate their rental property and think about how they can set it apart from others on the market.  

First impressions

Start from the outside and work your way in. If your property has a garden, then it has just endured a long and cold winter. Cut the lawn, tidy the borders and trim hedges and trees. Put in some flowering plants to add colour. You should also think about freshening up exterior woodwork to ensure your property has maximum curb appeal.

Banish the winter blues

If you have tenants in situ it’s likely that they will have accumulated items over the winter which are no longer needed: things like blankets, heavy outdoor clothing, and so on. Ask them to tidy away anything that signals winter. Tenants viewing a property in spring don’t want to be reminded of cold, dark evenings.

A light touch

As daylight hours increase, minor aesthetic imperfections, such as scuffs and chips to the paintwork and worn or discoloured grouting, become more obvious. There’s no need to undertake comprehensive redecorations, but giving a property a fresh lick of paint and re-grouting the tiles can make a huge difference.

Final touches

When it comes to the actual viewings, it’s always beneficial to add a few extra touches. This can be anything from a vase of flowers to freshly brewed coffee which will add an inviting aroma. Or try introducing a few splashes of yellow: cushions, throws or candles. To make the most of the busy market, your aim should be to ensure your property is as fresh and inviting as possible.


Further information

Contact Savills Residential Lettings


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