The Savills Blog

How has farmland performed over the past 14 years?

UK Farmland

Tracking the performance of farmland around the world, Savills Global Farmland Index shows an average annualised growth in value of 13.3 per cent during the 14 years to 2016.

This average growth masks some varied performances at a country level and the index is almost one of two halves. Between 2002 and 2008 average annualised growth was 27 per cent, which fell back quite considerably during the following six years to single figures (6.4 per cent), largely triggered by softening values in some of the more established land markets including Denmark and Ireland. More recently, weaker commodity prices around the world have affected the rate of growth, as illustrated in the graph below.

Global Farmland Index

Unsurprisingly, and reflecting the lower risk profile of a more mature market, the 14-year annualised growth across Western Europe currently stands at 6 per cent, compared with 20 per cent for the emerging markets, including those in South America and parts of Eastern Europe.

A change in policy in Germany in 2010, which allowed the German Agricultural Land Body (BVVG) to sell off previously state-owned land in East Germany to private investors, has led to strong growth since then.

Further information

Read more: Spotlight: Global Farming Index



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