The Savills Blog

Raise a glass to homes for wine-lovers

Radclive Manor, Radclive, Buckinghamshire

There's no doubt how much the British love their wine, be it red, white, rosé or sparkling. No longer is it the preserve of the connoisseur; a nice glass of something fruity is, for many, intrinsic to the dining experience both in a restaurant and at home.

According to recent research by the Wine and Spirit Trade Association, 74 per cent of UK adults – the equivalent of 38 million – drink wine. Each spends an average of £138 per year, or £11.50 per month, on their favourite tipple, and given that the average bottle of wine costs £5.56, this roughly equates to two bottles of wine per month.

The UK is the sixth largest market in the world for wine consumption (the biggest being China). But it’s not just the best of the French or Australian vintages that grace our tables. A New World (or is it ‘Old World’ – the jury’s still out on that one) of British wines is flourishing. According to English Wine Producers, the number of acres planted with grapevines in England and Wales over the last 10 years has grown by 135 per cent, and it is estimated that UK production will increase by 2 million bottles annually over the next 12 months.

As our appetite for tasting, collecting or investing in wines grows, so does its place in our homes.These properties are all ideal for oenophiles.