The Savills Blog

Accepting pets can reduce rental void periods


'Do you accept pets?' It's a question more and more landlords are being asked as the number of people entering the rental market increases, many of them with a beloved dog or cat in tow.

Historically, landlords have preferred not to rent to tenants with pets due to the additional wear and tear and potential damage to furniture and furnishings. However, in my experience landlords who will allow tenants to have a dog or a cat tend to experience fewer void periods than those who won't.

The good news is that there are plenty of steps landlords can take to make accepting pets less of a concern. Simple changes, such as installing laminate or wooden flooring instead of carpet, will minimise damage and deal with hygiene issues. Removable sofa covers and stain repellent treatments will help to keep soft furnishings free of pet smells and dog hair.

It is also worth remembering that a rental agent can include specific clauses within the tenancy agreement for occupants with pets. These will ensure an increased deposit is taken and that any damage caused by a pet, either to the house or garden, is fully reimbursed at the end of a tenancy. A professional clean is always required at the end of a tenancy but any additional cleaning, such as steam cleaning or fumigation, can also be included and covered by these additional clauses.

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