The Savills Blog

How to have a successful farm viewing

Farm viewing

Whatever the reason for buying agricultural land – to farm, for investment or as a change of lifestyle – making the right choice is key. Here's how to ensure you get the best from your viewing:

•Obvious maybe, but read the agent's details and ask questions before you arrange a viewing as some factors may rule out a particular farm from the start.

•Look at the land's position on a large-scale map so you can scan the extended locality. It can also be helpful to check out a satellite image, but bear in mind the detail may not be up to date.

•Make sure you have a decent plan of the farm or that the agent brings one to the viewing.

•Pack coats and wellies and allow enough time to drive around the area first before you go into the property. This may prompt useful questions. Set aside plenty of time to look around the farm, and walk the land as well as drive – you see much more on foot.

•Make a list of what’s most important to you, then approach your viewing in that order.

•If you are short of daylight, start outside first. If not, start with the house, particularly if you are intending to live there.

•Take a phone with a camera and ask if it’s OK to take pictures to refresh your memory at a later date.

•Note any defects or problems and ask about these as you go along. Keep a list of unanswered questions so that you can get a response afterwards.

•Ask if planning permission and/or Listed Building Consent is in place for all buildings and alterations, and request to see any notices, farming agreements, Basic Payment Scheme information and grant documentation.

•If you are interested, ask to view inside the house and buildings again before leaving. Ensure you have looked at everything you want to see rather than being totally guided by the owner or agent.

•Finally, be friendly – to many people it really matters who buys their farm. All things being equal, those they like will always prevail.

Further information

 View available farms for sale



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