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Spring cleaning: get your rental property into tip-top condition

Spring cleaning: get your rental property into tip-top condition

March signals the beginning of spring and is the perfect time of year for both landlords and tenants to check the general condition of their property. Here's how to ensure everything is in tip-top shape and ready for summer.

Spring cleaning tips for landlords

  • If the property or any outbuilding is timber clad, have a look at the exterior woodwork and take the opportunity to get any damaged areas repaired, then treated or repainted.
  • As the weather gets warmer, there is a greater risk of infestations. To prevent pests coming into a property, it is advisable to check the roof for any slipped tiles, rips or tears. Also make sure there isn’t any crumbling brickwork or holes in the exterior walls, in particular check airbricks and ventilation covers along with historic gaps/holes from old plumbing systems.
  • The boiler and heating system may have been working overtime during the colder months, so to help mitigate future issues consider undertaking a timely service of the system.
  • If the property has the benefit of air-conditioning, get the units checked now so they are fully operational when the temperatures rise.
  • Gutters and downpipes should be cleared of leaves and debris, and check that drains and soak-aways are clear and free-running. If not, check your agreement with your tenant as it is likely that they will share some responsibility for having them cleared.
  • If you have opted for a management service, your agent is likely to undertake these checks on your behalf. Check with your agent.

Spring cleaning tips for tenants

  • Unless gardening services are included in your rent, now's the time to start thinking about maintenance. Particularly, clear the lawns and borders of obvious weeds before they take hold. If you have patio or garden furniture, it is likely to need cleaning and, if made of wood, re-oiled to make it look smart in time for outdoor entertaining.
  • If you have an outdoor pool, now is the time to open it up, top it, clear any debris and make sure the chemicals are level, so it is in full working order by the summer.
  • As a tenant, you should always keep an eye on the property and report maintenance issues to your landlord or agent in a timely manner. If in the course of your spring clean you happen to notice anything untoward, make sure you report it in writing so that action can be taken.

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