London Supply Update Q2 2021
"New home completions continue their recovery but London’s prime markets remain sluggish "
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"New home completions continue their recovery but London’s prime markets remain sluggish "
"Falling supply supports rental growth across UK."
"Completions have recovered but low starts and falling consents risk longer term supply."
"Shortage of sites leads to upward pressure on development land values"
"What's driving the success of BtR and what we can expect going forwards."
"Starts and completions nearly back to their 2019 rate but more needed to hit targets."
"Stage is set for Suburban Build to Rent expansion."
"Looking ahead, the city requires a mix of housing delivery across all tenures"
"Q3 2020 saw a record £1.84 billion invested in UK Build to Rent, as strong occupancy and rental collection underscored the attraction of the sector"