London £5m+ Market – Q4 2024 Analysis
"Robust activity in final quarter of 2024 caps a year marked by uncertainty"
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"Robust activity in final quarter of 2024 caps a year marked by uncertainty"
"The balance between supply and demand has been the key driver in the rental market over the past few years. And this is still expected to be the case as we look forward."
"London has it all. It’s a city festooned in history; a city not stuck in the past. "
"Questions around the outcome of the October budget have weighed on those involved in the prime central London market, overshadowing the benefits of lower mortgage rates felt by some buyers in outer prime markets."
"A decade of adaptation"
"How has the prime central London property market changed over the past decade and what’s in store?"
"The term "non-doms" describes a subset of those non-UK domiciled individuals who pay tax in the UK"
"Our agents discuss what makes prime central London districts and micro-hoods so desirable"
"What has happened to supply and demand in the prime central London lettings market and how has this affected rental values?"
"Over the last ten years, the changes within the super prime new build market can be summarised with three key Ws – the Who, the What, and the Where"